Just keep swimming
Salt water pool
- Pool typeNatural pool
- Pool sizeMedium (10-20 people)
- Water typeSaltwater
- ADA FriendlyWheelchair accessible
- RelaxingQuiet
- Check in with or without hostSelf check-in
- Private or public spaceVery private
- Number of guests allowed5
- Available restroomsDedicated portable restroom available by the pool
- ShowerNo Shower
- Changing roomsNone is available
- Parking space sizeNo parking space available
- Surveillance & security camerasNo Cameras
- Available wifiYes
- Alcohol allowance. (glass prohitbited)Prohitbited
- Music allowanceAllowed
- Nudity allowanceAllowed
This space is great for
- Celebrations
- Kids birthday parties
Guest requirements
Swim attire
Outdoor Kitchen & Bar
- None of them is available
Smoking allowance
- Allowed
- Prohitbited
- 420 OK
Third-party vendor allowance
- Allowed
- Prohitbited
Cancellation policy
Additional notes (Optional)
Reviews (0)
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
per hour
per hour